Last Updated: May 10, 2022
Perform the following steps to start the application.
,in which $MOUNTPOINT is the filesystem path where Mongo DB is installed, for example, /optmongod -f $MOUNTPOINT/mongo/conf/mongo.conf
Make sure Mongo DB is up and running before starting the application. Otherwise, you may get the error as “Unable to fetch the license detail” after logging in to Jiffy.
Log in to the core server and run the following command as a Root User to start the NGINX.
- systemctl start jiffy-nginx.service
- systemctl restart jiffy-nginx.service
Server reboot brings Rabbitmq process up automatically. If Status=failed, you need to start the process manually.
systemctl start rabbitmq-server
- sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent start
- sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent start
Jiffy core services, such as stop/start Applications must be performed from jiffyapp-usr
Switch the user to app Linux user and run the following commands as app user to start the Jiffy Application.
application start all
To enter the Masterkey, you can run the history | grep -i passphrase command or type the command export and press the pg up button to get the latest passphrase.
application status
Run the following commands as app user(jiffyapp-usr) whenever there is an application restart to start the vault services.
Vault process will not come up automatically after core server reboot.
To bring up the process manually, run the following command from jiffyapp-usr.
$ application start vault
vault operator unseal {unseal key 1 which was generated during the initialization}
vault operator unseal {unseal key 2 which was generated during the initialization}
$JIFFY_HOME: Environment variable which contains Jiffy installation filesystem $JIFFY_HOME/.vault.d/
Check Vault Status: Run the following commands to check the Vault Running Status.This path can be varied from one to another customer server.
ps -ef | grep vault