
Create Root User


Following are the instructions to create a Root User through the REST API of GUS.

  1. Log in to the existing root user.
  2. Collect JSESSIONID cookie value from Application tab of browser development tool. Image description
  3. Execute the following POST API:
    1. URL : https://{HOST}/gus/api/root
    2. Sample Body (For the new-root user you intend to create):

      “username” : “rootuname”,
      “password” : “Admin@123”,
      “emailId” : “”,
      “firstName” : “rootf”,
      “lastName” : “rootl”

    3. Headers:
      • JSESSIONID: collected value from cookie
      • Origin: Host name
      • Cookie associated with the specified host name

        JSESSIONID=123345; Path=/; Expires=Wed, 24 May 2023 13:02:07 GMT;

    4. Response API:

      “status”: true,
      “token”: “”,
      “error”: null,
      “data”: null

    5. Sample Curl command:

      This may vary based on the curl version. The user ran the following command in a Linux terminal with Curl version 7.29.0.

      curl -k —location —request POST ‘'
      —header ‘Origin:’
      —header ‘JSESSIONID: 52d21cdb-3c3e-438d-b4a0-1e5518de88f5’
      —header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
      —header ‘Cookie: JSESSIONID=52d21cdb-3c3e-438d-b4a0-1e5518de88f5’
      —data ‘{ “username” : “rootuname”, “password” : “Admin@123”, “emailId” : “”, “firstName” : “rootf”, “lastName” : “rootl” }’

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