
Create Key in Google Cloud Platform


Make sure the Google Cloud Platform account you are using has credit to create new projects.

  1. Navigate to Google Cloud Console.
  2. Click the Image description icon and click the New Project button. Image description
  3. Enter the name of project and click the Create button. Image description
  4. In the left-hand side menu, click the IAM & Admin option and choose Service Accounts. Image description
  5. Create Service Account for the newly created project. Image description
  6. Enter the Service Account name and click the Create button. Enter other details (optional) and click the Done button. Image description The service accounts for the project are displayed.
  7. Click the Image description icon and select the Create Key button. Image description
  8. Select Key type and click the Create button. Image description

A private key is saved to your computer and displays project_id, private_key_id, private_key, client_id, etc.

Image description

Enable APIs

  1. In the Project Dashboard, click the Go to APIs overview button to navigate to the APIs & Services window. . Image description
  2. Click the ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button. Image description
  3. Click on Google Docs API. Image description
  4. Click the ENABLE button. Image description
  5. Similarly, enable Google Drive API and Google Sheets API.
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